Our Mission:

Heart Families of Nevada provides emotional support to CHD families from families who know.

CHD stands for Congenital Heart Defects, although we like to say Congenital Heart Differences.

What We Do

We create curated gift baskets for newly diagnosed heart families to remind them they are supported during their hospital stay. Each item is specific to help parents bond with their baby and take care of themselves too.

We also offer emotional support parent to parent via text messaging to stay in contact as much as they’d like.


How We Do It

Our fundraising allows us to allocate funds to purchasing meaningful baby care items that makes the parent’s stay at the hospital a little bit easier. We work with Children’s Heart Center of Nevada to help us connect with heart families that come from all over the world with their children.


Why We Do It

Because when we went through this we received these baskets too, and it changed everything.

To be able to connect to another heart family and share experiences is not only comforting but healing as well. We want to pass on encouragement and support to every heart parent we can.

Many parents – particularly mothers – of children born with serious heart defects have symptoms of post-traumatic stress, anxiety or depression.

That’s why we are working with a licensed postpartum therapist to talk to parents with a child that has been diagnosed with CHD.